vehicle maintenance

July 1, 2023
Proper Maintenance is Key to Keep Your Vehicle Running Well
Maintaining a car can slip through the cracks between work, family events, and the dozens of other obligations people have. You may…

February 13, 2023
When Your Car’s Acting Manic, You Need an Auto Mechanic Near You
When is it time to have your car checked by a mechanic? If your car is acting manic, it’s time to hightail…

September 13, 2021
Fuel Injectors: Why Do They Matter?
Most of us only think about things like fuel injection systems when we have to, and even then, we’d prefer not to….

July 6, 2021
Why Your Car Isn’t Ready to Retire at 100,000 Miles – Vehicle Maintenance in Ann Arbor Can Help
The Grand Canyon is calling. You’ve always wanted to see Mount Rushmore. And if you’re retired, you should be able to do…

December 21, 2020
5 Things A First-Time Car Owner Needs to Know
It’s never a good idea to ignore something that isn’t right with your car. No matter what it is, putting it off…