2890 Jackson Ave.  |  Ann Arbor, MI 48103  |  M-F 8 AM - 4 PM



oil change ann arbor engine picture
March 21, 2021

Everything you wanted to know about motor oil but never asked

Why do people seem to take motor oil for granted? Seriously, it’s an integral part of your car’s performance but people often…

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girl in blue vw bug
January 4, 2021

Make Your Mechanic’s Life Easier: Stop Doing These Things to Your Car

A good mechanic doesn’t like giving a customer an expensive repair bill they know was easily avoidable. While traditional tune-ups for modern…

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auto repair coupons online
December 7, 2020

Engine Problems? Check Our Auto Repair Coupons Online and Bring Your Car To Us

If your engine is acting up, it needs attention. It could be a simple repair that could lead to something serious if…

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tune-ups for modern cars
November 30, 2020

Avoid Expensive and Unexpected Auto Repairs with These Tips

Tune-ups for modern cars may not always be necessary, but regular service can help you avoid costly repairs. No one wants an…

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September 26, 2020

All About Tire Rotation

Who doesn’t want to save both time AND money? Regular maintenance, including tire rotation, avoids expensive and unexpected car repairs later. If you take charge of your vehicle’s condition with regular maintenance, you can better control what happens in the future….

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