2890 Jackson Ave.  |  Ann Arbor, MI 48103  |  M-F 8 AM - 4 PM


Complete Auto Services

Auto repair services available from Louie and John's

Air Filter Replacement

We can help with air filter replacement for your car, truck or fleet vehicle. Call us today.. 

Auto A/C Repair

Yes, people use their A/C even in winter, it helps keep your windows from fogging up.


The alternator helps to power your vehicle when you travel. Let us help you out with this important component. 

Brake Repair

Certified techs perform brake inspection, service and repair for all makes and models in Ann Arbor.


If your check engine light is on, come by and get onto our state-of-the-art diagnostic computer.

Drivability Issues

If your car starts to 'feel' different while driving, having it checked will give you peace of mind.. 

Emission System Repairs

The emission system reduces harmful gasses created by your vehicle, and keeps your vehicle's engine operation quiet, efficient, and clean. 

Car Electrical Systems

This can be anything from a blown fuse, a burnt fuse, an open circuit breaker, bad wires. There are many parts to the electrical system. 

Battery Check and Service

Click, click click. Sinking feeling. Yep, your battery is dead. D-E-A-D. We can help. Call 734-526-4105 and we'll get you started with towing.

Fuel Injection Cleaning

Get the gunk out, improve your car's performance and save your engine with our fuel injection service. 

Heating and Cooling

It's a real problem when your car's air conditioning or heating aren't working correctly. We can help. 

Hydraulic Cylinder Rebuild

The hydraulic cylinder converts your brake pedal's movement into power to stop your car. 

Car Starter Repair

A worn starter can cause a nasty grinding noise when you start your car, and damage your engine flywheel.

Transmission Experts

Rebuilds, service and repair, and flush for automatic and manual (standard) transmissions. 

Timing Belt Replacement

Timing belts wear out from use. A worn or failed belt can damage your engine, leading to expensive repairs 

Wheel Alignment

Having your car’s alignment ‘off’ wears out steering and suspension parts, and causes irregular wear to your tires.

Car and Truck Tune Ups

We perform all regular maintenance for your vehicle, including quick tune ups. 

Oil Change

The best and fastest oil change in Ann Arbor is at Louie and John's Complete Auto Service. 

Expert, Fast Fleet Service for Ann Arbor

A Solid Fleet Equals A Solid Business

A reliable fleet allows you to meet your commitments, keeps clients happy, and is a foundation of your business reputation. We would love to help you enhance and maintain this incredibly valuable business asset.

Yes, we can do that for you….NOW. This also applies to Fleet Services. We believe in speed; we understand that getting your vehicles back quickly minimizes interruptions to your logistics and commitments. Louie and John’s Complete Auto Service of Ann Arbor provides expert, fast fleet service and maintenance for your cars, vans, trucks and even tractors.

Commercial Service Convenience

It is vital that your commercial vehicles operate efficiently, and we ensure the highest quality fleet repair services done as quickly as possible. We accommodate vehicles of various uses: from dump trucks to tractors, we’ll get it done.